The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/09/14

Why and How to Test Your Pattern Library - Part 1

This is part 1 of a two-part article and focuses on testing strategies for web pattern libraries. Part 2 will include a full tutorial of automated responsive design testing of a Pattern Lab project using Galen Framework. Coming soon! Pattern libraries have become a popular tool to maintain a clear and consistent experience across products.

A Nerd's Guide to Color on the Web

There are a lot of ways to work with color on the web. I think it's helpful to understand the mechanics behind what you're using, and color is no exception. Let's delve into some of the technical details of color on the web.

When card UI design doesn’t work

With the popular rise of Material Design, ' cards ' have become a common part of modern web design. Especially when it comes to archive pages where you want to only offer a summary of information. A card is a sheet of material that serves as an entry point to more detailed information.

Rebranding a digital bank: The story behind our new look

Monese is a branchless banking service that allows residents of the European Economic Area to open a local banking account in as little as 120 seconds, even if the customer has no immediate proof of address or has poor credit history.

The Evolution of the Help Scout Brand

There are only a few things to obsess over in the earliest days of starting a company. Building a product that solves a problem for your customers is the obvious first step. Next on the list - and arguably as difficult as naming your own child - you've got to decide what to call this rocketship you're building.

Case Study: Re-designing RetailTower

I was the sole designer on this project, reporting mainly to the CEO of RetailTower, with frequent input from the rest of the team. I re-designed the entirety of the web app, but didn't touch the marketing website ( This was a project I did outside of my full-time work hours.

CSSFilters: Create custom and Instagram like photo filters for CSS

Visual playground for generating CSS for custom and Instagram like photo filters. Experiment with your own uploaded photo or select one from the Unsplash collection.


What, Exactly, Makes Something A Progressive Web App?

Since Frances and I published a blog post last year introducing Progressive Web Apps, a healthy conversation has started about what is and isn't a PWA. There are a lot of opinions and many shades of gray. What are the hard requirements? Which requirements are marginal? What's aspirational?