The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/10/30

This Map of the World Just Won Japan's Prestigious Design Award

The 2016 Good Design Award results were announced recently with awards going to over 1000 entries in several different categories. But the coveted Grand Award of Japan's most well-known design award, given to just 1 entry, was announced today. Last year the winner was a personal mobility ch

Designing with SVG: How Scalable Vector Graphics Can Increase Visitor Engagement

Scalable Vector Graphics, more affectionately known as SVGs, are a versatile file format - yet not enough web designers and developers incorporate them into client projects. We sat down with Chris Coyier - co-founder of CodePen, author of A Book Apart's Practical SVG, and creator of CSS Tricks - and uncovered five tips and tricks to help you easily implement SVG objects into your next design project.

Spoooooky CSS Selectors

Let's get into the spirit a little bit this year with some Halloween themed posts! I'll kick it off with some CSS selectors FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE. Er. CSS

Stop the spammy notifications!

On a typical day, I get about 30 notifications on my phone. 30 times a day, my phone buzzes or beeps at me, begging for attention. It buzzes when I'm cooking breakfast. It buzzes when I'm running to a meeting. It even buzzes when I'm giving my toddler a bath.

The new "Creative Professional"

The MacBook Pros announced today reflects the new realities of what it means to be a "creative professional" today. It used to mean graphic designer / illustrator / 3D artist / video editor / motion graphics designer / audio engineer / photographer. In fact, not long ago, (perhaps 5 years?)