The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/12/17

Dribbble Trend - Mondrianizm

A new trend making use of bold blocks of flat color.

How a Designer Built and Shipped an iOS App in 6 Months

There's a constant debate about whether or not designers should learn to code.

The Broken Comb: Learning To Be a Multi-Skilled Designer

If you're not learning, you're stagnating. Not every designer needs to learn to code, but they should learn beyond their core specialty.

7 unusual fonts created in 2017

Some of the fonts listed here explore new technologies in font engineering, other push boundaries of “regular” font developing process.

Meet Jay Fletcher, Charleston-based Graphic Designer and Illustrator.

Jay Fletcher has worked with clients ranging from Apple and Google, to Wired and the NFL. We talked about his projects and his processes.