The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2021/08/19

How Figma Became Design’s Hottest Startup, Valued At $10 Billion

Dylan Field sculpted Figma into design software’s hottest startup, valued at $10 billion and No. 7 on the Cloud 100 list.

The Bumpy Typeface project challenges us to rethink our assumptions about gender

Italian designer Beatrice Caciotti’s research shows us how gendered connotations have made their way into the genealogy of type design.

CSS accent-color

Bring your brand color to built-in HTML form inputs with one line of code.

Two perspectives on the designer who Steve Jobs could not hire

Richard Sapper may not be a household name, but he’s on the same level of greats like Dieter Rams and Jonathan Ive.

Good is Not Great

Good Design is good enough. But Great Design is something else.