The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2021/12/23

Street Fighter II, paper trails

Over the past six months, I have spent my spare time studying Capcom success stories and in particular the genesis of Street Fighter II.

The surprising behavior of “important CSS custom properties”

The ’!important` keyword is removed when using custom properties as CSS property values.

Keep Your Damn Mask On! It’s the 2021 Architecture and Design Awards

We’ve been doing this for twelve years now, and this was, without question, the hardest it’s ever been to come up with these “awards.”

2022 UI design trends guide

2021 was an exciting year for designers — the introduction of Metaverse caused quite a disruption in the industry.

Improving Core Web Vitals, A Case Study

How to improve Core Web Vitals, a case study on how to detect and fix bottlenecks, and how we ended up with green scores, all the way.