The five best design links, every weekday

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The Hydrant Directory

A Public Domain design resource created from public infrastructure.

CSS-only Custom Range Slider with Motion

@property + counters + anchoring + scroll-driven animations = 😍

Tintin inspired away kit homage to cartoonist Hergé

New home kit for Belgian Red Devils and Red Flames.

Anterior Branding

Branding case stury for a medical insurance AI company.

Fine-tuning Text Inputs

A quick overview of the attributes we can add to form fields to provide hints to the browser and improve the user experience for our visitors.

Cara, the AI-Skeptical Artist Portfolio App, Skyrockets to 100,000s of Users

A new social media app wants to make a place for artists to share original work and closely monitor for AI creations, which are not allowed.

Inspirational Websites Roundup #60

Discover our latest selection of websites featuring curated designs that keep you in sync with the newest trends.

Graph Game

The best way to test your understanding of neural networks!

A modern approach to browser support

Just recently, some front-end code we delivered to a client was making its way through acceptance testing.

Is Canva Getting Good?

Your auntie’s toy has the ambition to become a serious design tool.

Design System Retrospective

I’m in the middle of building another design system. Here's what I learned, decisions I regret, and what I’m doing differently this time.

Beautiful, boring, and without soul

How do we make our digital gardens full of life?

Designer engagement report

Top 3 problems for designers: no research, no design strategy, and no career progression.

Sentient Design: AI and the Next Chapter of UX

Josh Clark introduces Sentient Design, the already-here future of intelligent interfaces and AI-mediated experiences.

Teenage Engineering designed a museum exhibit

A photoessay of my visit to SFMOMA’s Art of Noise exhibit.

Anchor Links and How to Make Them Awesome

Anchor links (also called jump links) are an easy way to provide in-page navigation.

Flat Planets

An exploration of creating planets to decorate a skybox.

Promises From The Ground Up

The “Promises” API is a surprisingly tricky part of modern JavaScript.

CSS Length Units

A comprehensive guide covering nine types of lengths that CSS uses to size elements in terms of dimensions, space, time, and even sound.

How Git Works

If you’re still perplexed by git even though you’ve been using it for years, this zine is for you!