The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Ux

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Beautiful, boring, and without soul

How do we make our digital gardens full of life?

Designer engagement report

Top 3 problems for designers: no research, no design strategy, and no career progression.

Why alarm clock design speaks about humanity

A ringing odyssey.

Decision Trees For UI Components

Practical examples of decision trees for UI components and how to use them effectively.

Familiar vs Novel

A look into when it’s acceptable and perhaps even advantageous to design for novelty.

Are you designing with the right keyboard?

A guide to iOS and Android keyboards.

Tooling and feeling

On our relationship to the tools that shape us, how machine intelligence understands, and the value in the human capacity for feeling.

Onboarding for Active Users

Onboarding should be designed with active users in mind, making guidance accessible throughout the product experience.

Complicated Sticks

The rise of tools for everything and nothing in particular.

How I interview product designers

I’ve been part of the interviewing teams before, but this is my first time being the hiring manager. It’s been quite a learning experience.

Mitigating hate speech online using AI

Employing AI to reduce the emotional toll of combating online hate speech.

Apple’s Risky Bet on CarPlay

With Apple's car project canceled, what's Apple's strategy with CarPlay and how do carmakers respond to it?

5 times “smart” copy swung into graveyard humor

What do tea, Fabulous app, Stravinsky, Italian pasta, and Grammarly have in common? Awkward English.

Rethinking personas: Empathy and inclusion in UX design

By using more inclusive methods like Jobs-To-Be-Done and Empathy Maps, we can create more meaningful and accessible products.

The GenAI Compass: a UX framework to design generative AI experiences

Implementing human-centric design thinking to GenAI.

Transforming Your Legacy Design System for an Unparalleled UX

In the design world, platforms can look out of date quickly. Here we explore how updating legacy design systems can be made easy.

Redesigning navigation with a user-centric approach

We will detail every step we took in designing this new navigation menu component, and share our main takeaways about the whole experience.

Mixed Reality: The Future of Automotive UX Prototyping

Can mixed reality make it easier to test and iterate on automotive user interfaces?

How to Design for Apple Vision Pro

How to design for Apple Vision Pro and integrate functionality, high-quality user experience, and aesthetics into your designs.

Best practices for designing a CSV importer anyone can useSponsored

Learnings from importing thousands of CSV files and the pitfalls to avoid.