The five best design links, every weekday


Width and Height in CSS

To determine width you look up the tree, to determine height you look down the tree.

HTML Web Components

I think the word “component” in “web components” confused a lot of people — at least it did me.

Making a Website is for Everyone

Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.

“We’re All Just Temporarily Abled”

June 6th I was on vacation at the beach with my family and tried something that, looking back now, maybe I’m too old for. And I injured my knee.

Thoughts from “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing”

I just watched Apple’s “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” where they talk about how Safari works on the new visionOS.

Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools

For those of you about to do view transitions, I salute you!

Single Line Comments in CSS

Brad Westfall reminded me of a Sass feature that is probably the one I miss the most every single time I write vanilla CSS.

Offline Is Just Online With Extreme Latency

I just finished watching “Local-first Software” by Peter Van Hardenberg and loved it.

CSS For URLs and HTTP Headers

What if you could write selectors based on any piece of information in the HTTP response?

Scroll to Text Fragments

Scroll to text fragments just landed in Safari which makes support even more broad.

Website Fidelity

Kyle Simpson has a talk wherein he suggests the idea of building websites in layers of fidelity instead of layers of technology.

Sketch Design Challenge: App Icons

The recent sketchDesignChallenge on Twitter got me admiring all the beautiful app icons folks were making.

Visualizing SF Font Variations

When working on a design, I’ll often step through variations of a font until I hit the right amount of attention or emphasis.

The Unlocked Possibilities of the :has() Selector

The more you think about it the more possibilities (many yet undiscovered) you realize the :has() selector unlocks.

A Short History of iOS App Icons

The following was originally written by me and published as a chapter in “The iOS App Icon Book”.

The Case for Design Engineers

If I had to put myself into one of the buckets that constitute job titles, “Design Engineer” might be closest to my own sense of self-identification.

Principles of Color? Going Beyond sRGB

What are you most excited to learn, while simultaneously overwhelmed by the idea you gotta go learn it?

Thoughts on Exerting Control With Media Queries

I finally got around to diving deeper on Utopia, “a way of thinking about fluid responsive design”, by watching the introduction video.

Dynamic Color Manipulation with CSS Relative Colors

CSS relative colors enable the dynamic color manipulation I’ve always wanted in vanilla CSS.

When you lookup a certain feature on, there’s an incredible assumption many of us make when interpreting its UI.