The five best design links, every weekday


CSSToucan - A Bot that Automatically Colors Web Page Texts with Context

Auc ibuss cele risq ueelei fen ddon ecpreti umv ulputate sapienn ec Sagittis. Aliq ua m malesu adabibendum ar cuvi. Ri ce ssagi ttis orciasc.eler isq uep ur usse mperege.tdu() isa ttel "lusatur" nacon dime nt um mat tispelle ntesque idn ibh. Ep late ADI ctums tqu is qu esag itt ispurussi tametvolu?

HuulaTypesetter - A Bot that Suggests Font Size for Web Pages

In this post, we are going to introduce you the first web page auto font sizing bot in the world - HuulaTypesetter, which intelligently sets text sizes for a web page by analyzing various factors such as styles of the text, styles of its containers, siblings, etc.