The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/04/27

Spring Into CSS Grid

CSS Grid has been getting a lot of attention recently and I finally dedicated time this past weekend to sit down and get a basic understanding of how it works. It was an emotional rollercoaster of an experience (seriously, this is life changing stuff) but I was able put together

How I Animated the bitsofcode Logo

I'm pretty new to CSS animations. For the most part, I had only used them in limited cases and mostly using libraries created by others, such as the excellent Animate.css created by Daniel Eden. As I mentioned in Redesigning bitsofcode, the graphic designer I worked with for the

CSS in JavaScript: The future of component-based styling

Let's start off with typography, a fundamental basis for design. The first step is to define typography constants. And unlike Sass or Less, constants for Aphrodite can go in a JavaScript or JSON file. Define typography constants When creating constants, use semantic names for your variables.

CSSToucan - A Bot that Automatically Colors Web Page Texts with Context

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Designing the all-new Framer

Detaching code from canvas for a smarter but simpler workflow | Over the last 2 years, we've built Framer into an extensive product, one that's supportive of, to quote ourselves, "design without limits". But with such a robust toolkit comes some degree of clutter.