The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/01/09

Tate-Yoko Web Award


How the future of the user interface will redefine your job

Thinking beyond the graphic user interface. We are a world who has become obsessed with the graphic user interface. What began as a research project at PARC became a revolution in personal computing. But it didn't stop there. With the commercialisation of the web came the idea of website design.

Ranking All 41 Bowl Logos

As I've been looking at bowl schedules and ads over the past couple of weeks, I've come to realize that almost all the logos used to promote these games are abhorrent. Of the 41 bowls, perhaps only a dozen have logo designs worthy of the multi-million-dollar TV productions these games have turned into.

Raising Our User Experience Design Bar

In my experience, good documentation is the written work that shapes and supports the product design and development work. Documents such as product specs, feature scopes, and technical specs help define and guide the work like an airport control tower.

Introducing: ColorMe

ColorMe is a site I built to make working with the CSS Color Function easier. It provides a UI for applying adjusters to a base color and gives a visual of the adjustments. The excellent SassMe was my inspiration. The Color Function is a CSS feature in editor's draft stage of specification.