The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/03/23

Text Effects with CSS (and a little contenteditable trick)

Mandy Michael has been creating some incredible text effects with just the power of CSS. She uses every trick in the book: gradients, transforms, pseudo el

Never Just Design Pretty Little Apps

Guard against that vanity which courts a compliment, or is fed by it.  - Chalmers Surfing some design-inspiration sites with my hype-busting, critical U-X-ray eyes :) I often come away with smoke rising out of my ears. As the title implies this is a rant, but don't take it too seriously.

Toggle Buttons

Some things are either on or off and, when those things aren't on (or off), they are invariably off (or on). The concept is so rudimentary that I've only complicated it by trying to explain it, yet on/off switches (or toggle buttons) are not all alike. Although their purpose

Humaan: World-class digital products for forward thinking brands

Award winning websites, native apps, fully featured eCommerce and intelligent software through strategic design, UX and modern technology.

Screenshot? Ugh, you're doing it wrong!

A proper sharing feature has been part of iOS for years. It has a consistent, system-level UI that's available from most any app with anything worth sharing and yet no one seems to use it. Well, no one but us geeks, right?