The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/07/19

Said no user ever

Said no user ever: "Look how great, Forbes gives me a quote of the day and a FREE BANNER AD"

Great Design Thinkers: Frank Chimero on The Shape Of Design

The Shape of Design is Chimero’s meditation on the designer’s vocation, and he sets out by distinguishing between the “How” and the “Why” of design.

Designed Degradations: UX Patterns for Hostile Environments.

As a designer sometimes I feel liberated by the fact that absolutely everything in the world was designed by someone.

Human-Centered Machine Learning

7 steps to stay focused on the user when designing with ML

The Newest Email Design Trends of 2017

Thousands of emails have hit our inboxes this year. We analyzed them to find the patterns that are shaping 2017 and compare them to 2016 trends.