The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2023/12/13

SVG Tutorial - Learn how to code images in HTML with SVG

Learn the fundamentals of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) from the basics up to advanced concepts like animation and interactivity.

Figma plugin magic tricks: mixing colors with SVG and Canvas API

We overcame a tough color blending roadblock by ditching the iterative method and shifting into a "declarative" approach with SVG and the Canvas API.

How design works at Supabase

The transformative journey of Supabase’s Design team and its unique culture to enhance the output and quality of the entire company.

The 8 Guidelines for Good Automotive UX Design

Over the past years, I have been trying to capture the essence of automotive UX design into fundamental guidelines to help other designers.

I shipped a parcel, it was seized by the police (a UX case study)

I shipped identical boxes, less than a mile, with multiple delivery companies — one was seized by the police. This is the UX of delivering parcels.