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Best Data Visualization Projects of 2023

Data continues on its upwards trajectory and with it comes the importance of visualization.

Fonts for rendering lines and bars from data

Google Fonts now provides two open source fonts by Dmitry Ivanov that let you make simplified, small to medium line and bar charts.

Best Data Visualization Projects of 2022

Every year, I pick my favorite data visualization projects, which tend to cover a wide range of purposes but are typically for presentation.

Pizza Exchange Rate

This is a story about pizza, geometry, and making sure you get what you paid for.

Climate spiral to show temperature change

Say what you will about circular visualization, but the spiral plays. This one from NASA shows global temperature change over time.

How Much the Everyday Changes When You Are in a Pandemic

Our everyday routines changed over the past year, and with the 2020 American Time Use Survey, we can see by how much.

Still Flowing at 14

FlowingData turned 14 years old last week. Is that old? It feels old. The site started as a sandbox to put class projects.

Best Data Visualization Projects of 2020

It’s been a year. We saw a lot of charts. These are the best ones.

Data visualization wallpaper

As a 100-day project, Alli Torban has been imagining what a data visualization designer’s wallpaper might look like through the years.

Racial Divide

It's hard to think of much else. These maps show the racial divide between black and white people in major cities.

Famous Hope Quotes as Charts

I thought we (i.e. me) could use a break, so I made these abstract charts to represent the most popular quotes about hope on Goodreads.

Guessing Names Based on What They Start With

A lot of the time when I meet someone new, the name goes in one ear and out the other.

Flowing Data 2019

My main goal for Flowing Data this year was to make charts. I hoped to make one chart per week, along with the newsletter and tutorials.

Best Data Visualization Projects of 2019

Visualization is a relatively new field, but we seem to be developing an understanding of what it is and what it can be used for.

All the Foreign Bodies That Got Stuck

When you think emergency room, you often think real emergencies.

Pixelation to represent endangered species counts

In 2008, the World Wildlife Fund ran a campaign that used pixelation to represent the number of animals left for endangered species.

The Most Gender-Switched Names in US History

We use some names for boys and some for girls, but then there is a small percentage of names that, over time, switched from one gender to another.

How the American Work Day Changed in 15 Years

How has time use changed during the past 15 years?

A Day in the Life: Women and Men

Using the past couple of years of data from the American Time Use Survey, I simulated a working day for men and women to see how schedules differ.

The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2014