Streamline Illustrations: Free Vector Illustrations for onboarding screens and landing pages
Vector Illustrations for onboarding screens, landing pages, marketing websites.
Vector Illustrations for onboarding screens, landing pages, marketing websites.
Just like Flex Box in CSS, UIStackView in iOS, and FlexboxLayout in Android - Auto-Layout's with its new Stacks feature is, once again, changing the game. For the very first time, Sketch app users are able to apply Flexbox technology directly in Sketch.
Conversational or Chat Based UX is a new and exciting trend that gives you insight into what your customer is thinking and what they are looking for. Yet we see plenty of applications that build walls to keep away all kinds of user feedback.
Make no mistake, I think there are many good reasons why motion has become so ubiquitous and I'm super excited about seeing it become more and more ingrained in the design process. And yet, this whole movement also made me take a step back and think about the more holistic role of motion again.
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