The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/10/11

FontBuddy for Sketch - Never Deal With Missing Fonts Again

Save a few minutes each time you’re missing a font, or wanna look for a new one.

Future Of Design Survey

We launched this survey to establish a common data set for how design creates value in building successful companies and cultures

Introducing Libraries and Smooth Corners in Sketch 47

Sketch 47 is here and, alongside a number of smaller bug fixes and improvements, this latest release includes one of our biggest updates yet.

8-Point Grid: Vertical Rhythm

The 8-point grid is a powerful system for creating consistent and appealing UIs. Establish vertical rhythm and set typography in an 8pt grid system.

Adjusting Design For iPhone X

While everybody played around with the idea of an all-screen phone, it's never really serious until you get a hands-on experience.