The five best design links, every weekday


Design Restaurant Kiosks for People, not Just Speed

Over the past couple years, kiosks have popped up in an increasing number of fast food establishments as replacements for cashiers.

8-Point Grid: Vertical Rhythm

The 8-point grid is a powerful system for creating consistent and appealing UIs. Establish vertical rhythm and set typography in an 8pt grid system.

Letter to a Junior Designer

I moved to San Francisco in 2013 as a junior designer with only a few years of experience and a desire to dive into the deep end of design.

8-Point Grid: Borders and Layouts

In my first post about The Intro to 8-Point Grid System I laid out the key reasons to convert your workflow. This is a deep dive into some of the tricky questions I've had to answer while moving our design system at Pivotal Cloud Foundry towards the 8pt system.