The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2022/04/20

So… this is a job?

What is Design? Designers share a problem with politicians and business consultants: nobody knows what they are actually doing.

SND: Crafted UI sound assets for UX developers

UI sound assets, developed in collaboration with multiple sound designers, are designed to fit the components used in many modern UIs.

A collection of delightful loading animations

Free loaders & spinners for your next project. Built with HTML, CSS and a bit of SVG. Copy/paste or get the tree-shakeable React component library.

Nostalgia Hacking to Mourn Taylor Hawkins

More words about Taylor Hawkins and revisiting past projects in a term I've coined: Nostalgia Hacking.

The Front-End Developer's Guide to the Terminal

If you want to learn a modern JavaScript framework like React or Angular, you better be familiar with the terminal!