The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2022/07/15

Collective Nouns for the Web

We did not have collective nouns for web terms. Now we do. Ever wonder what too many domains owned by one person is called?

Designing Design Workshops: Beyond Dot-Voting

You’ve heard of dot-voting. That’s the thing where everyone in a workshop gets a bunch of dots and they vote on different ideas.

Vanilla is Ripe

Years ago, I did a concept redesign of Roblox Studio’s interface.

Apple Ends Partnership With Former Design Chief Jony Ive

Since former Jony Ive left Apple in 2019, he has continued to work for the company as a consultant through his LoveFrom design firm.

The NRA Children’s Museum

Since 2020, firearms have overtaken car accidents to become the leading cause of death in U.S. children, taking over 4368 lives.