The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2023/07/11

Jony Ive’s First Post-Apple Hardware Project Is a $60K Record Player

Jony Ive’s design firm LoveFrom joins forces with Linn to create a special turntable for the brand’s 50th anniversary.

Lean Product Design: A Playbook

You’ve dreamed up a killer idea for a new app or platform. But hold up. Do customers really want what you're about to create?

ChatGPT Code Interpreter: What is It and What Can You Do With It

A few days ago, OpenAI tweeted that they would be rolling out the Code Interpreter feature to all ChatGPT Plus users.

New Viewport Units

Learn about the small, large, and dynamic viewport units in CSS.

My jeans’ metadata may outlive the company that sold them

This is the thought process that kicks in when I look at a something as mundane and everyday as a pair of pants…