The five best design links, every weekday


The 4 most recent product design books

Expand your product design knowledge and complement your hands-on experience with the ultimate product design books to read right now.

Designing apps for kids: a reading app user experience

Although perceived by many as a threat to traditional education, web and mobile apps can play a big role in children's cognitive development.

Why cross cultural design really matters

If you're about to design a new product or to expand it to a new market, leave your assumptions aside: focus on your users first.

Minimalism vs Brutalism: which one to choose?

Why is Minimalism the UI Design prodigal son? What's wrong with its rebellious, up to no good brother, Brutalism?

Large screen phones: a challenge for UX design

I'm pretty sure my hands are not too small compared to the average human.

7 UI trends to watch in 2020

Trends take new turns often enough that a product can be rendered outdated pretty soon.

We need to calm our technology down

We want our apps to help us, but we don’t want to be constantly interrupted to look at notifications and reminders that are so much uncalled for.

Good illustration matters

Could you design a product by only using typography, navigation elements, colors and stock photos? Sure, but here's why you should go the extra mile.

Material Design is a political choice

Recently, Google announced a new, updated and refreshed Material Design at Google I/O.

Brutalist design is the bad influence we all need

The UX/UI world has gradually come to be dominated by guidelines and aesthetics belonging to companies like Apple or Google.

A Typography Workshop

Rebranding is life