The five best design links, every weekday


Designer engagement report

Top 3 problems for designers: no research, no design strategy, and no career progression.

90% of designers are unhirable?

Or why your cookie-cutter portfolio doesn’t cut it and how to fix it

How my dream design job turned into a nightmare

Or why you should quit your dead-end job before it’s too late.

Why designers quit (2023 report)

Excluding layoffs, the lack of career progression opportunities, low UX/design maturity, and being unhappy about the work are the top three reasons.

Designer layoff stories

Retaliation, targeted eliminations, legal disputes, and other horror stories from the tech industry. Are you next? How can you prepare?

How to evaluate the UX maturity of a company

Something wasn’t right. I had just received the work contract to review and the name of the role stated throughout was only “designer.”

How to use huge type on the web

I’ve been advocating more daring and bolder use of typography on the web ever since I started the Better Web Type project.

Huge Type on the Web

Big bold type makes a statement. I’ve always been fascinated with minimalistic, typography-focused design.

Why Designers Quit

Why did you quit your last job? This was the main question in my recent study I did with designers.

Website redesign: How I evolved my website

My personal website used to be on the domain and consisted of mostly personal articles. I had only written a few of those in the...