The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/10/17

The not-so-dark art of design management

As a young designer, I thought managers were like Gandalf: mysterious wizards who spent their days orchestrating important matters in the shadows. Every now and then they'd pop by to check if I needed rescuing, but for the most part I'd slog along on my own.

Are You Ready for Microsoft’s New Paint?

Many of us started with Paint. As old as Windows itself, for the 90s generation, Paint was, for most of us, of the first "professional" graphic design tool. My first "artwork" was recreating Nirvana's Nevermind album cover. Obviously, my version was far from the original so don't be ashamed if you started with cucumbers or ...

Nasdaq Design's #NotTheUsual

I was ferrying home on a late Thursday evening in early October when I saw a pair of tweets announcing "TOP TEN UX INFLUENCERS TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER" (it's not worth sharing btw). Both lists were all dudes, and also basically the same dudes who would have been on those lists back in 2008.

Király Jenő: A film szimbolikája, Book Cover Redesign

Book cover redesing process of an iconic work in the field of film theory.

Making Grafista

Monospaced typefaces have a mechanical vibe to them. Even the typewriter ones, with all their nostalgia, still feel technical, due to the fixed width. They have an implicit and very obvious system that implies a mechanism, while most proportional typefaces try to fight the technical nature of the composing system in order to achieve reading comfort.