The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/12/23

The best things we read this year — favorite links from the Intercom team

Few industries are as prolific as the tech world when it comes to creating content. And we're pretty good at consuming it. Day in, day out, the Slack channels at Intercom are filled with links to absorbing think pieces, industry news, fresh opinions on new trends and, of course, our own writing  - it's a wonder we get any work done.

Call me Adele

How I turned my sorrows into a data set. I love puns. And when I heard Mark Hanson and Ben Rubin's talk at the Eyeo Festival where they discussed different ways to do text analysis (ie: text as a spatial representation of the intangible), I was drawn to it.

How To Use Stop Motion Animation to Make Low-fi Prototypes for Mobile Design

Low fidelity prototyping is about getting the point across quickly and efficiently while reducing the overhead in the design process. According to, sketches are one of the quickest methods to receive early feedback and understand the design flow in an early iteration.

Living styleguides instantly with Runway

Runway is a web-based tool that translates specially formatted comments in your stylesheet into a living styleguide. No dependencies or installation necessary! How does it work? Upload a stylesheet (CSS or SCSS only) and Runway will read those comments - complete with a name, description, and some sample HTML to render - and deploy a publicly sharable styleguide to the web.

Things designers do when bored