The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/05/14

Designing Purpose

At IDEO, I use design to tackle systemic challenges, many of which center around youth. Recently, I've found myself faced with one of the most complex and intangible challenges yet: Designing purpose. Specifically, designing a program that helps young people explore purpose in their lives.

Experiments in fixed aspect ratios

Home Buying from Hassle to Harmony: A Viget Exploration

From Hassle to Harmony: reimagining the home buying process. An exploration of how the home buying experience could be improved.

Google Promotes Material Components Out of Preview Phase

Sketch 44 Beta - in depth

Sketch just released it's Beta version of 44. In short, it's amazing. Because now we're less dependent on responsive plugins like Auto-Layout. However, as I'm about to show you, whilst they've solved some core use cases for responsive layouts, some features are still missing.