The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2017/05/27

Storyframes before wireframes: starting designs in the text editor

Browsing through a well-crafted interface is like reading a great story (or flipping through a great comic book). As designers, why are we not incorporating screenwriting techniques more often into our process?

Dominique Falla, Tactile Typographer

Australian-based author and artist Dominique Falla is best known for her tactile typography - her unique method of creating type through overlapping intersections of simple thread. Both simple and complex, her work has featured on the cover of New York Times bestsellers, Wired, and Google.

Announcing styled-components v2: A smaller, faster drop-in upgrade with even more features

After a six month long iteration process and over 300 commits we're super excited to announce the official release of styled-components v2! Half the bundle size, (22kB → 12kB) thus much faster to load for your users Best-in-class server-side rendering with critical CSS, style rehydration and concurrency support out of the box We've added the helper to support passing attributes to any styled-component, making it much easier to integrate existing CSS codebases.

Samsung's Bizarre Emojis

I have no idea what the creative process at Samsung was like while they were designing emojis. Did the children of employees draw them? Had the designers never seen or used emojis on other platforms? Were they simply running low on time?We may never know the answer to these questions. - turn Sketch files into shareable prototypes, without leaving sketch.

Today we're proud to announce the launch of  - a crafty little tool to turn your Sketch designs into working, shareable prototypes. All from within Sketch. We've been using at Normally, in various guises for around 6 months. It was borne from our frustrations with online tools, where we found ourselves spending a crazy amount of time faffing.