The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2019/08/23

Aristide Benoist - Freelance Developer

Aristide Benoist is a Málaga-based developer specializing in motion and interaction.

The Browser Monopoly

There is really only one Big Tech monopoly that I actively worry about.

Where did CSS named colours come from?

Talk.CSS, which is Singapore’s monthly CSS meetup, has a segment called CSS colour of the month.

Ikea is quietly changing its brand again-for a very good reason

In the company’s 2020 catalog, Ikea swapped its custom typeface for something much simpler: a Google-designed font called Noto.

A pop of color and more: updates to Android's brand

Back in 2014, we updated our logo and brand color, and this year, we’re introducing a more modern, accessible look.