The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2023/12/20

Making noisy SVGs

Adding noise texture with only code

Good design is subjective, contextual, and intentional

Urban planners have been designing for human experiences for nearly 200 years, and UI/UX designers can learn from this.

Quantity Queries are Very Easy with CSS :has()

What is a quantity query? It’s a bit of CSS that allows you to style an element (and its descendants) based on how many children the element has.

Perfect Days

Intruiguing site for the film by master German filmmaker Wim Wenders and acclaimed Japanese actor Koji Yakusho.

Heroicons Micro: What are these, icons for ants?

We just released Heroicons v2.1 which includes a brand new micro style — a full set of almost three hundred 16×16 icons.