The five best design links, every weekday


js13kGames 2022 winners

Challenging participants to create games in 13kB or less of JavaScript in a month.

Accelerating GitHub theme creation with color tooling

Learn why the GitHub Design Infrastructure team built a dedicated color tool and how they use it to create new color palettes for GitHub.

GitHub Explains the Open Graph Images

We recently set about creating a framework and service for automatically generating social sharing images for repositories.

Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant

This post is the third installment of our five-part series on building GitHub’s new homepage.

How we built the GitHub globe

With our new homepage, we wanted to show how open source development transcends the borders we’re living in.

10 great open source games from GMTK Game Jam 2020

GMTK Game Jam is a 48-hour game-making competition focused on design, mechanics, and clever ideas.

npm is joining GitHub

We're excited to announce that npm will be joining GitHub.

Announcing GitHub Sponsors: a new way to contribute to open source

We're thrilled to announce the beta of GitHub Sponsors, a new way to support the developers who build the open source software you use every day.

Introducing GitHub Package Registry

Today, we're excited to introduce a package management service that makes it easy to publish public or private packages next to your source code.