The five best design links, every weekday


Interface Lovers Interview with Frantisek Kusovsky

Prague based brand & visual designer often wandering in Swiss alps. He loves grids, thin lines & design systems.

Interview: Daniel Eden - Facebook

As far as I can remember, I've found myself working in creative endeavors.

Interview: Karri Saarinen

Since I was a kid, I always looked at things and thought how could they be better.

Interview: Adam Darowski

Product designer and front-end engineer for Dribbble.

Interview: Dann Petty

San Francisco based stay-at-home-dad freelance designer, Epicurrence event host, and story teller at

Interview: Bryn Jackson - Spectrum

I'm a designer/developer building a platform for communities called Spectrum, but most people know me as one-half of the Design Details podcast.

Interface Lovers

Interface Lovers is an online magazine for creative professionals. We put the spotlight on designers that are creating the future and touching the lives of many

Interview with Billy Sweeney, Design Lead at Squarespace

I'm a Design Lead at Squarespace, helping to define the brand and product by working on a wide range of projects. Sometimes it means working for months straight on a single large idea, other times it means providing art direction on set for a couple days.

Interview with Brian Lovin

I'm a designer. Right now I'm building things at Facebook, and on nights and weekends I work on Spec and the Design Details Podcast. I also like to chill out with my dog, Taco, and explore San Francisco. Tinkering. Making Myspace themes. Tweaking my Neopets profile. Freelancing in high school.

Interview with Benjamin De Cock

In theory, I'm supposed to be a User Interface Designer. In practice, I constantly switch between UI design, front-end development, good ol' web design, information architecture, prototyping, motion design, and even some 3D lately! Microsoft FrontPage! Joking aside, the ability to produce something and make it instantly available to everyone across the globe was fascinating to me back then, and still is today!