The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Psychology

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Familiar vs Novel

A look into when it’s acceptable and perhaps even advantageous to design for novelty.

Tesler’s Law

A look at inherent complexity and insights on how designers can effectively manage it.

Spotify Wrapped: 6 psychology principles that make it go viral every year

Learn how Spotify uses psychology to create one of the most anticipated yearly events in the music industry.

Why are Western apps more minimalistic than Asian apps?

The digital behaviour traits of individualism and collectivism.

The negative impact of persuasive design

Why the discussion around the detrimental impact on the user and the environment is non-existent.

Framing Effect: Why context affects decisions

Learn what the Framing Effect is and how to apply it to improve user experience without relying on unethical dark patterns.

60 UX Cards to Discover Cognitive Biases

Download this free deck of 52 cognitive bias UX cards to learn how cognitive biases might influence user behaviour.

The Psychological Depths of Rock-Paper-Scissors

An excerpt from veteran game designer Greg Costikyan’s book “Uncertainty in Games.”

Using dark patterns to overcharge for pizza

A study on how Dominos (and Pizza Hut) use dark patterns, UX tricks and design psychology to overcharge customers.

3 lessons from Bumble’s onboarding

An early activation and monetisation masterclass (or is it?)

The Psychology Behind Loom’s Explosive Growth

Learn the 7 psychology principles that helped Loom to grow from zero to tech unicorn in record time.

Design Psychology: 4 Principles That Empower Designers

You might not know it yet, but you beautiful designer, have an almighty power in your hands: the power of Design Psychology.

Three Principles of Ethical Research That UX Can Take From Academia

Product users and research teams can both benefit from these techniques.

ChatGPT Is Constantly Tricked by People, but Who’s Fooling Who?

Why does ChatGPT seem so smart, but is so easy to trick? A psychologist’s experiment and take on ChatGPT’s and their own limitations.

Neurodiversity Design System

The NDS is a coherent set of standards and principles that combine neurodiversity and user experience design for Learning Management Systems.

The heuristics of Neurodesign

A guide to design for the brain with intention and results.

Behavioural Design 101: Psychology mechanisms in persuasive design

Learn the basics of behavioural design and the mechanisms that companies use to influence people’s decision-making process.

Mental Models: why expectations drives user experience

This case study shows you how to use Mental Models to improve your product’s user experience.

Zeigarnik Effect: Why it’s hard to left things incomplete

Learn what the Zeigarnik Effect is and how to apply it to improve your product without relying on unethical dark patterns.

Typeform: How to offboard users the right way

This offboarding case study shows how Typeform’s cancellation experience could be improved. You’ll also learn a key retention strategy to reduce churn