The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/08/03

Die Dashboards Die! Why Conversations Will Reinvent Software

In years to come, conversations will breathe new life into software - particularly the boring enterprise tools millions of knowledge workers begrudgingly use every day. Conversational user interfaces (CUIs) work because of our familiarity with messaging. Even the most technically complex interactions can look as simple as getting an SMS text when presented as a conversation.

Mobile DropDowns Revisited

Mobile DropDowns Revisited On mobile platforms, there are often better alternatives for dropdown menus. Luke Wroblewski wrote a fantastic article about the pros and cons of different controls and pointed out how many "taps" the user can save when using the appropriate elements. But saving taps is only one aspect when it comes to usability.

Symbol For Context

Over the past few years, I have spent a considerable amount of time on side projects investigating contextual products. A contextual product uses hardware and software sensor inputs to create a better experience. Context goes beyond issuing commands to computers and waiting for a responses.

Design is like tacos 🌮

an explanation for designers about time. I know this sounds ridiculous, but bear with me for a minute. Let me start with a simple idea: Spend more time in your design and the result will be better. Sounds right, doesn't it?

Good Product Management is like Poetry

This article aims at helping you build your feature release planning and organize your feedback loops in a timely efficient manner. If you are a product manager fresh out of college, the first hire to a startup or even the PM in your team, things can be hard at first.

Tom Giannatassio: From 'HTML For Dummies' To Building The Web Design Tool Of The Future

"When I went off to school I pretty much knew what I wanted to do. I went to school for graphic design, learned the fundamentals of two-dimensional design which was pretty influential in my development. But there wasn't a lot of prep for the web necessarily ten years ago.

Dribbble Places: Explore our design communities around the globe

Behind the scenes: SketchTricks icons design

Behind the scenes: SketchTricks icons design This is my first edition of Icon Snack - where I will share a quick tips, tutorials or even show you a behind the scene (BTS) of my icon projects.Last week I had an opportunity to create an icon for SketchTricks.