The five best design links, every weekday


The Picture-Superiority Effect: Harness the Power of Visuals

People often remember visuals better than words.

Generative UI and Outcome-Oriented Design

GenUI promises highly personalized interfaces — a move from designing for many to tailoring for the individual.

Homepage Design: 5 Fundamental Principles

Effective homepages are simple and easy to access, communicate the organization’s and site’s purpose.

Cookie Permissions 101

Cookie permissions need to follow the law and strike the balance between respecting user privacy and being user-friendly.

Prompt Structure in Conversations with Generative AI

Most prompts contain a combination of the following components: request, framing context, format specification.

AI for UX: Getting Started

Use generative-AI tools to support and enhance your UX skills — not to replace them.

The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop

Mobile-first web designs cause significant usability issues when viewed on desktop.

Table of Contents: The Ultimate Design Guide

Tables of contents provide a page overview and direct access to specific sections.

Information Architecture vs. Sitemaps: What’s the Difference?

Information architecture is the practice of structuring, organizing, and labeling content from your website.

Dark Mode: How Users Think About It and Issues to Avoid

Dark mode is popular, but not essential. Users like dark mode but maintain similar behaviors without it.

Scrolljacking 101

Altering the normal pace or direction of scrolling can contradict user expectations, control, and freedom.

Accordions on Desktop: When and How to Use

Accordions simplify long pages, but reduce visibility and increase interaction cost.

AI: First New UI Paradigm in 60 Years

AI is introducing the third user-interface paradigm in computing history, shifting to a new interaction mechanism.

Bottom Sheets: Definition and UX Guidelines

A bottom sheet is a user-interface pattern used commonly in mobile apps for providing contextual details or controls in the lower area of the screen.

Skeleton Screens 101

A skeleton screen is used as a placeholder while users wait for a page to load.

Error-Message Guidelines

Design effective error messages by ensuring they are highly visible, provide constructive communication, and respect user effort.

User Journeys vs. User Flows

A comprehensive explanation of what both are, the difference and when to use which.

UX Basics: Study Guide

Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn more about the basics of user experience.

The Anatomy of a Good Design: An Analysis of 4 Sites

Visually pleasing designs use consistent type styles and spacing, create a visual hierarchy, and utilize an underlying grid structure.

The State of Mobile User Experience

Fifteen years from the original iPhone, the quality of mobile user experience has stabilized.