The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2022/08/10

Astro 1.0

Astro is a web framework for building fast, content-focused websites. Performance powered by Astro next-gen island architecture.

These “CSS crimes” turn social media posts into games

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you build something on the internet, people will find ways to creatively break it.

Labor Perception Bias: Why faster isn’t always better

Learn what the Labor Perception bias is and how to apply it to improve your product without relying on unethical dark patterns.

Let websites framebust out of native apps

How seemingly innocuous "in-app web browsers" on iOS/Android are a bad thing, and a proposal for how to fix that. With a little web history thrown in.

Core Web Vitals Tools To Boost Your Web Performance Scores

Identify, compare, analyze and fix your Core Web Vitals scores to boost web performance of your sites. These tools will help you to do just that.