The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2023/11/24

Johan Cruyff's influence on adaptive role switching in Product Design

A product design philosophy inspired by the brilliance of Total Football, as orchestrated by Johan Cruyff and the 1970s Dutch masters.

Create Rive-ting Animations

Rive reduces the time it takes to make complex animation, making some motion items easier and faster to build.

Braille vs. Boston Line Type: How Design Can Truly Be Inclusive

Carl Rylatt, design director at United Us, on the need for a continuous conversation between design and the end users’ needs.

New Google Maps

Last week, the Google Maps team dramatically changed the map’s visual design. I don’t love it.

Introducing Stable Video Diffusion

Stable Video Diffusion is a proud addition to our diverse range of open-source models.