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Category: Principle

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Making Indeed’s UX Design Principles

The four design principles that guide Indeed’s UX work and how a content designer used surveys and workshops to lead their creation.

How we use Principle to prototype new features and experimental designs.

Prototyping tools for UI/UX work have gotten incredibly sophisticated in recent years.

A Step-by-step Guide to UI Animation with Principle and Sketch

Animated micro-interactions are the perfect way to stimulate user engagement in a world of short attention spans.

Creating a Card Animation in Principle

You can leave everything as it is here. The Preview* window should default to the iPhone 6 size, so that's all cool. If that's not the case, just choose iPhone 6 from the Size Presets menu in the Inspector.

Principle for Pros: The Most Efficient Sketch to Principle Workflow

You've probably used Principle before and you probably hated it because you couldn't figure out how to create a modular, organized workflow. You probably didn't understand why ghost layers were flying around in places you never built. This article will change how you prototype with Principle.

Principle - 4 Little Tricks to Share Your Idea in an Effective Prototype

How to prepare a clickable prototype that contains all interactions. How many times have you tried to explain your excellent design to a developer? Either using gestures, storyboards or easy digital prototypes with finished design views - it's not easy to communicate your vision. Principle gives you the power to show basic interactions in few easy steps.

Parallax Interactions in Principle

Let's animate the background to start giving it that depth and 3D space. Instead of animating a second artboard and moving things around that way, we'll be using Drivers. What are Drivers you ask? 🤔 Here is how Principle puts it in their docs: Drivers connect properties to each other using keyframes.

Principle 2.0

When we first released Principle we intended to follow the classic "yearly paid major updates, free minor updates" approach. This is problematic for two reasons. First it's unfair to customers that buy software right before a major version is released. Secondly, we'd prefer to release features frequently instead of saving them for a major release.

What Tintin taught me about webdesign

Back when I was a kid, when my parents thought I was sound asleep at night, I would stand at my window with the curtains open. A street light about five meters away would shine the dimmest of lights into my room and if I squinted my eyes, I was able to read my Tintin comic.

Prototyping with Principle vs Atomic

Principle is an amazing desktop app that has a familiar sketch app interface which makes it easy to learn and navigate. Overall it feels fast, smooth and independent (you don't need to rely on the internet). Their Official Site Strong Features Native App - Installed locally makes it smoother and more reliable.