The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2016/11/21

Color Fonts

Adobe explaining: OpenType-SVG is a font format in which an OpenType font has all or just some of its glyphs represented as SVG (scalable vector graphics) artwork. This allows the display of multiple colors and gradients in a single glyph. Because of these features, we also refer to OpenType-SVG fonts as "color fonts".

Adobe XD beta is now ready for everyday use on Mac. Download it for free.Sponsored

Design and prototype websites and mobile apps with Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta), the first all-in-one solution for UX designers. Download now to get started.

Ueno. Digital agency.

Ueno is a full-service digital agency, busy designing and building beautiful digital products, brands, and experiences.

Inside the 21st-Century Craze for Redesigning Everything

  1. The Problem In theory, the redesign begins with a problem. The problem might be specific or systemic or subjective. A logo makes a company's image feel out of date. A familiar household object has been overtaken by new technology. A service has become too confusing for new users.

The New Generation of Prototyping Tools (Part 2/2)