The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2019/05/03

A new (and easy) way to hide content accessibly

Possibly the best way to hide content accessibly. The CSS is easy to write and understand!

What's going on with DesignerNews?

Having a glance at the front page, most top posts of today are several days or a week old.

Norwegian Passports

The overall purpose was to increase security concerning Norwegian passports, ID cards and travel documents.

Designing for different states in the UI

A common trap for designers is to only focus on creating designs that represent the perfect state of a user interface.

Typography 2020

Presidential-campaign typography took a big step up in 2008, when Barack Obama adopted the then-new Gotham font for his campaign.

Type in the digital era is a mess

Laying out text used to be fairly straightforward. Then computers came along and ruined everything.