What color is your name? A new Synesthesia project will show you.
For as long as I can remember, I've seen letters and numbers as colors.
For as long as I can remember, I've seen letters and numbers as colors.
Remember the days you needed JS to have a nice looking scrolling on your page?
Concept design with features I think would be helpful both in people's daily lives and in new places they visit.
After working on the UX Challenge for Deepmind, I also reached the third stage of the hiring process for a position as Interaction Designer at Google
When I joined the design community, one of the things that I became very aware of was the importance of typeface and branding.
Voice assistants have a bright future at home and at work. I wanted to know what challenges businesses face when they build their first voice skill.
Though I’m a huge supporter of Kindara’s mission, there are some parts of the app that bother me — particularly the onboarding process.
In the last 6 weeks, have you referred us to a friend or colleague? This is the exact question Netflix asked its customers during its early years.
If there's a holy grail project for product designers - it entails being able to design something from scratch.
Founded in 2001, Walking Men is a well known and respected Belgian digital creation agency.
My team was tasked with finding a web-based solution to better accommodate families with children staying in extended pediatric hospital care.
While Instagram fosters photo-sharing, there is little ability to search for related content within the mobile app.
I’m sorry. You’re wrong. The notch is brilliant. Here are three pictures that show you why.
Periodically, I challenge myself to redesign the logo that appears on my portfolio website.
Inventing Animoodles & bringing them to market.
Having two logos may make sense when you separate athletics and academics as two completely separate entities that accomplish two separate goals.
Google Calendar’s redesign launched last week 🎉 and it’s bursting with juicy UX decisions.
When calling a Hebrew typeface a serif or a sans serif, one borrows a typographical term from one script to describe another.