The five best design links, every weekday

Date: 2020/12/03

Can you trick this AI into thinking you’re someone you’re not?

This 10-minute game is a lot of fun. It will also teach you a bunch about AI.

2021 Design Wishlist from a User’s Perspective

Around this time of year, plenty of articles start to circulate about “Design Trends” for 20XX.

Viral Typeface - inspired by the pandemic

A collaboration between four designer/illustrators, this free font is a recipe for quarantine 2020.

Doom Slayer UX

Onboarding a new player is an important game UX challenge, but it can be especially challenging in games like Doom Eternal.

How To Properly Apply Jobs-To-Be-Done To User Onboarding

Jobs-to-be-done are often misused (or not used at all!) This case study shows you the critical impact it can have on Headspace's user onboarding.